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Generate KML (DEQ/LRUR)

    Restrictive Covenant - Polygon(0)
    Notice of Corrective Action - Polygon(1)
    Notice of Aesthetic Impact(2)
    Ordinance - Polygon(3)
    Notice of Approved Env. Remediation - Polygon(4)
    Notice of Environmental Remediation(5)
    Michigan Department of Transportation - Polygon(6)
    Other Institutional Control(7)
    Restrictive Covenant - Point(8)
    Notice of Corrective Action - Point(9)
    Ordinance - Point(10)
    Notice of Approved Env. Remediation - Point(11)
    Michigan Deptartment of Transportation - Point(12)
    Notice of Aesthetic Impact - Point(13)
    Other Institutional Control - Point(14)
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